Study, Work, Live in Australia

As a result of the sheer number of visa options available, Australian visa requirements sometimes are very confusing. They are different for every visa type and some may be obligatory for specific visas while optional for others. Knowing the list of required documents, makes the application process much easier.

Documents Required for Australia Visa

When you apply for a visa for Australia, you will have to submit the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • Australian Visa Form.
  • Paid Visa Fee.
  • One Identity Picture.
  • National Identity Card.
  • Police Certificate.
  • Family Certificates
  • Evidence of Financial Means.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Authorised Recipient Form.
  • Evidence of Temporary Stay
  • Detailed Itinerary.
  • Accommodation Reservations.
  • Employer Permission Letter.
  • Invitation Letter.


You must hold a valid passport (at least 6 months before the expiration date) when you apply for an Australian visa. When applying, submit copies of your passport pages, coloured and scanned. If you have copies of previous passports then you have to submit those as well.

Australian Visa Application Form

All visa applicants have to submit an Australia visa application form. The forms are different for each visa type so select the form that corresponds to your visa.

If you’re applying online for the visa, then you can find the selection of forms in your ImmiAccount. If you are applying in person, then you have to download the correct form and fill it in.

Identity Picture and Biometrics Collection

Your Australian visa application photo has to follow specific guidelines. It must have a white background and your entire face must be fully visible. In some cases, you may also need to submit your biometric information along with the visa photo.

Keep in mind that the number of pictures required may differ depending on the visa subclass that you are applying for.

National Identity Card

If you possess a national ID card, then you have to provide a scanned copy of it with the rest of your documents. Sometimes this may not be required depending on the visa type or your country of residence, so please make sure you check with the competent Australian authorities nearest to you.

If you have multiple national cards (more than one citizenship/residency), then submit the national card of the country where you are currently residing in.

Police Certificate

When applying for a visa, you have to provide proof of good character. This means you have to be completely honest about your criminal activity and sometime during your application (before or after), you have to submit a police certificate. This certificate will be used to measure if you fulfil the character requirements as set out by the Australian Immigration Office at the Department of Home Affairs.

Family Certificates

You may also be asked to submit valid copies of civil documents such as your birth certificate, marriage license, divorce papers, adoption papers (if applicable), etc. This also includes certificates in cases where you may have changed your name legally.

Evidence of Financial Means

When you plan on going to Australia you have to provide evidence that you can finance your trip on your own, you can include:

  • Bank statements.
  • Pay slips.
  • Audited accounts.
  • Taxation records.
  • Credit card limit.
  • Evidence of support from family members (student visa and family visa).

If you are invited by someone and they are sponsoring your trip you must provide evidence that your sponsor has enough financial means.

Paid Visa Fee

Your visa application will not be reviewed until payment has been verified. You are required to pay through an ImmiAccount, but, if you can’t submit the payment through the online service then you have to contact the Australian embassy in your country and see if you can submit the payment through their office. Here are the fees that you need to pay depending on the visa that you are applying for.

Health Insurance

While health insurance may not always be a requirement when you travel to Australia, the Australian government strongly encourages visitors to purchase private insurance before traveling.

Some visa types have specific health insurance guidelines (see below). Additionally, visitors may be required to submit recent health exams or tests, but this will depend on several factors and Australian officials will let you know beforehand.

Authorised Recipient Form

In case you appoint someone to help you with your visa application, then you have to fill in this form and submit it with your application.

Evidence of Temporary Stay

You have to provide evidence that you can meet the temporary stay condition as stated by your visa type. This means that you are able to prove that once your visa expires you will leave Australia due to prior engagement in your country, such as your work or family commitments. You can also use a valid work contract, a letter from your employer, or real estate commitments.

This requirement is not applicable to long-term visas or continuous work visas.

Detailed Itinerary

Attached to your visa application there has to be a travel agenda where all of your visits are planned out. The dates of your visits, the places you plan on visiting, proof of purchased tickets, how long you plan on staying and similar information must be a part of the itinerary.

Accommodation Reservations

You have to provide evidence for any type of accommodation you’ve made for your visit when you apply for the visa. This includes hotel reservations, rental agreements, private lodging, Airbnb setups or proof you are going to stay with family or friends in Australia.

Employer Letter

If you are employed, then you must also attach a letter from your employer stating permission for your travels.

Invitation Letter

In cases where you are invited by a family member or friend to visit them in Australia, you have to submit a letter of invitation written by your host. This includes an invitation letter if you were invited to work (work visa).

Australia Visa Requirements for Minor Applicants

If persons under the age of 18 are applying for any type of Australian visa, there is a set of specific documents that have to be a part of the application:

  • Letter of consent from parents/legal guardians.
  • Filled in and signed permission form.
  • Statutory declaration.
  • Undertaking declaration (in cases when the minor applicant will be staying with an adult family member/friend in Australia).

Requirements to Study in Australia

Students who want to apply for a visa to study in Australia must submit these documents for their application:

  • Confirmation of Enrolment.
  • Health insurance.
  • School enrolment for dependents.
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant

Requirements to Work in Australia

For a work visa in Australia you have to submit some of these required documents:

  • Resume.
  • Work Contract.
  • Work Itinerary (for freelance work).
  • Copy of Work License.
  • Sponsorship Letter (for sponsored work).

Australia Visa Documents Guidelines

All of your documents have to be in English. If they are not, then you have to translate your documents through a verified translator, but make sure you provide the original alongside the translated version.

If you are in Australia, then you have to translate the documents by accredited translators by the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). If you are outside of Australia, the translator you use has to provide their full name, address, telephone number, and qualification details.

Do not provide original versions of your documents unless asked for specifically. You can submit scanned, coloured, copies of your documents. Police clearances are the only documents that can be original versions.

Documents Guidelines for Online Australia Visa Application

When you apply online for an Australia visa, the documents you attach must follow specific rules:

  • Scan each document carefully on both sides.
  • Scanned copies have to be in colour if the original is also in colour.
  • Attach files up to 5MB size with the following extensions:
    • dcm
    • doc
    • docx
    • dot
    • gif
    • jpg
    • png
    • pdf
    • ppt
    • pptx
    • txt
    • rtf
    • xls
    • xlsx
    • png
    • bmp
    • Documents containing more than one page, have to be in a single PDF file.
    • The limit for uploading documents can be from 30 to 60 depending on the application.
    • Images have to be sized up to 500Kb.
    • Images have to be scanned on both sides.
    • Compressed and encrypted files will not be accepted.

Paper Application Documents Guidelines

When you submit a paper application for an Australia visa your family certificates, i.e., birth certificate, marriage license, adoption papers, etc., have to be verified copies of the originals.

How Do I Verify My Documents?

Firstly, make copies of your documents. Then take both versions to a person who can verify your documents (see below).

The person who verifies your documents has to write or stamp to your documents the following statement: “This is a certified true copy of the original as sighted by me”.

If there is more than one page then the certifier can write the statement on the first page and their initials on every page. Your verifier has to provide their:

  • Full name.
  • Signature.
  • Occupation.
  • Phone Number.
  • The Date of the Verification.
  • Their Address (not obligatory).

Your photographs should also be verified, on the back of each photo your verifier has to write or stamp “This is a true photograph of (insert your full name)”, and signed by the certifier.

Who Can Verify My Documents?

Your documents have to be verified by either an Australian citizen or a citizen from your home country. They must not be related to you or in any personal relationship with you, and work in any of the following occupations:

  • Australian consular officer or Australian diplomatic officer (check if this service is available at your nearest Australian embassy or consulate)
  • Bailiff
  • Bank officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Chiropractor (licensed or registered)
  • Clerk of court
  • Commissioner for affidavits
  • Commissioner for declarations
  • Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Dentist (licensed or registered)
  • Fellow of the National Tax Accountant’s Association
  • Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Judge of a court
  • Justice of the peace
  • Legal practitioner (licensed or registered)
  • Magistrate
  • marriage celebrant licensed or registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
  • Master of a court
  • Medical practitioner (licensed or registered)
  • Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia
  • Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student
  • Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants
  • Member of the Australian Defence Force with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants or the Institute of Public Accountants
  • Member of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory Legislature, or a local government authority of a State or Territory
  • Minister of religion licensed or registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
  • Nurse (licensed or registered)
  • Optometrist (licensed or registered)
  • Permanent employee of Australian, state or local government authority with at least 5 or more years of continuous service.
  • Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Pharmacist (licensed or registered)
  • Physiotherapist (licensed or registered)
  • Police officer
  • Psychologist (licensed or registered)
  • Registrar or deputy registrar of a court
  • Sheriff
  • Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution, or
  • Veterinary surgeon (licensed or registered).

Please note: If you can, keep a copy of your application documents.